Ubunye Sangoma (UBSA) Priesthood Training & Ancestral Healing offers traditional learning for spirit transformation. We are the first official Sangoma training school in the United States of America. Established in the spirit realm for many moons, our teachings have been passed down through our Traditional African Ancestral & Black Native American Roots. This is the first of its’ kind in the U.S. This school is extremely beneficial and attractive to those raised in western culture who feel a non-traditional spiritual pull (beyond the church) and not sure on how to access it. All types of people are awakening to a deeper spiritual connection with their healing powers. The need for traditional healers in America is expanding. In order to assist spiritual seekers in navigating this powerful healing energy shift Ubunye Sangoma has a unique and proven platform for teaching your to access your pathway, not only to ancestors, but to the Abosom, Orisha, Galatic Beings and more divine spirit guides that are calling you to your highest self.
Why choose uBSA?
Our services are imperative for you, as a spiritual seeker, wanting to connect more deeply with your ancestral lineage, needing guidance on how to move through spiritual challenges, or assistance in better understanding the challenges happening in your daily spiritual transformation journey. The more people that are healed. the more people can offer healing and walk as conscious love beings. Let us support this world in living in a higher frequency. Yes, you are indeed needed in this world to walk in your healing power.
The Guru is You
We are here to dispel the thought that your “guru” is in some far off place living in the great great beyond and you have to seek him or her out. The guru/ teacher is within in you. We are here to help you navigate this shift into your higher consciousness. We teach you how to:
Access your divine spirits.
Create a more dynamic relationship with your ancestors.
Know and walk in your destiny.
Remember nothing is gained without great effort and sacrifice. Spiritual growth and healing can be one of the most grueling and painful journeys to go through.
Thokoza Place
at UBSA “Thokoza Place” is in the realm where our highest ancestral guides exist. We have been blessed to gain access to Thokoza Place high frequency realms. We are forever growing and learning on this path with gratitude to all the elevated beings who guide and draw us in soul shifting encounters.
Our mission is to provide spiritual seekers with love light wisdom for their spiritual alignment.
Our vision is to maintain an open portal for self discovery to insight full soul living.
Close our eyes to all illusions, open our spirit to see the universe inside.