Akwabaa (Welcome)!

Below you will find FAQ that have actually come from those who have contacted us via email or booked our initial connection meeting for a more personal interaction. Each post shared here maintains the privacy of all individuals. Voice recordings are only posted with the permission of the participant. Click: Initial Connection booking to schedule your one to one appointment with Dr. Yeye Gogo Nana.

Q) How much does the training cost?

Q)Where are you located?

Q) Where do students train?

Q)How long is the training process?

Answer to All Questions listed and unlisted. Traditionally, when a person is called. The pull is so strong the ancestors lead the student to their teacher. When you are lead to your teacher and surrender to the process. There is no question as all things are in alignment. This is true for ALL spiritual/shamanic callings. If you feel this is your case please book your initial connection below.

Answer: With Bi Polar Disorder or any Mental Health Illness, we always ask are you under a Doctor’s care? Are you taking prescribed medication? We encourage you to follow the advise of your Doctor/s. In terms of spirituality, there are many reasons why you could have Bi Polar Disorder. It may be part of your destiny to experience this in this life time. It may be from interference of a dark deceased spirit with in the family lineage. It could be a spirit that attached itself through childhood trauma or emotional womb trauma of your mother or seed trauma from the father. The root of all issues can be revealed through divination. If it is negative spiritual interference in some cases, it can be removed by a spiritual healer who specializes in this type of service. It could also indicate you have a spiritual calling and you must answer the call to get better/cured. If it is in fact, a chemical imbalance found in the brain, more than likely, you will have to remain under a medical doctor or psychiatric care for the duration of your life. You are a physicial and spiritual being, so it is up to you manage this physical challenge along with your spiritual growth process. Accept that everyone comes in this earth with a challenge/s, and lessons to work mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. Do your best to feel eliminate bad and guilty feelings having this mental health illness. It is about doing your best to be conscious of what makes it better, noting what may triggers it and make the best decisions that empower you to maintain mental stability in your life first for yourself, secondly, for those loved are are also adversely impacted when you are going through the crises. You are doing well to be able to go to yoga school and take pilates training. That’s beautiful.