AsuoGyebi Yere * Baba Azondo Mavuza *Daughter of Yeye Osun & Obatala * Iyami Osoronga * Iyami Aje Fun Fun
AsuoGyebi Yere * Baba Azondo Mavuza *Daughter of Yeye Osun & Obatala * Iyami Osoronga * Iyami Aje Fun Fun 〰️
found Her!
Everyone comes from some place. It is up to our feet and head to agree on which path we will to take to the next place for our highest good.
Greetings of Divine lovelight
From birth until now, I live in a multidimensional universe, my names truly reflect this.
I am called Grand Grand for being an exceptional Grandmother.
I was told I am Unkulunkulukazi which means Goddess in Zulu.
I am called Peace, LoveLight, Gobela and
I am that I am and I am pleased to meet you this dimension.
Here is an extremely compact sharing of my spiritual journey. I have many spiritual names as a result of the many spiritual paths that I have been officially ordained and trained in. With this I received titles such as Okomfo, Nana, Yeye, Makhosi, Gogo, Baba. I choose to utilize some of these titles of ordination as way of honoring and respecting each path of my spirit guides. These are all spiritual titles of ordination that have other names associated with them. It is also an an easier method of introducing myself and much easier for people to recall then each name for each initiation path. Before I go further, I must acknowledge and give my gratitude for being cancer free since 2014. I am a Endometrial Cancer Survivor. I am forever grateful to be given the opportunity to continue my life's journey and help others in fulfilling their spiritual calling. We need all the help we can embrace. I was certainly embraced with a lot of help from physical beings to spiritual beings. We need each other more than we realize in this life to co create a more harmonious earth experience.
I was born in Hartsville, S.C. and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. I am the first Black Person, of the Original Native People of America, noted for being initiated into three very distinct African Traditional Healing Systems (ATHS). I was called by my ancestral spirits of each tradition to become a healer within these three paths. Prior to my calling, I had no knowledge of any of these Ancient African Traditional Healing Systems and was lead spirituality with a magnetic pool to each path, unfolding as a mystery before my eyes.
My family, like most Black folk in America, were raised as Christians. My spiritual roots began in, what was then called, “The Holiness Church.” The first church I ever attended was filled with, mainly family members. The Deacon was my Granddaddy. The pastor was his cousin. The choir director was my Auntie. The piano and organ players were my Mommie and other Auntie. The choir was overflowing with cousins. I later realized that attending our church service was like attending a traditional African healing ceremony. There was the family and community members focused ona single spiritual energy. This was my first introduction to the healing power of spirit. I was never an advent church goer, but I tried to commit to it. After three baptisms, in the very still stagnant water, which was either beside, under or behind the pulpit, ("pool pit,") it became clear I had reached the glass ceiling within the church and felt spiritually trapped. I began to experience depression from attending church services. My soul felt down trodden. At this point, even the choir singing had insufficient vibrations to move my spirit. I began to go within myself and ask for guidance. The second spiritual breakthrough came from starting daily meditations and chanting in the Sanskrit language using chants found in the Ancient Vedic practice of Agniholtra.
My awareness of a spiritual calling began over 38 years ago. In the late 70s I started performing with Baltimore Dance Theatre later renamed as Eva Anderson’s Baltimore Dance Theatre. Later in the 1980s, oddly enough my spiritual awakening began to be extremely more present while performing as one of the principal dancers. This was a very important segment of my life. Being a professional dancer is where my spiritual journey actually began to open up. Eva, who is now an ancestor, was the first person whom I recall mentioning our ancestors. Eva insisted that they might be ashamed of us because we had been indoctrinated as ballet dancers, to stand elongated and pulled up. We had forgotten our bodies were not just straight unbreakable lines. We had forgotten that our natural movements moved us closer to the earth. Eva taught us we were bendable beings full of contractions, releases, curves, twist and sometimes awkward angles. It was having to move through these curves and awkward angles that I began being in touch with the true nature of what my spirit was yearning for. It was here where the awareness of my ancestors first emerged in my soul.
Dance is an important component for invocation of celestial beings in all Indigenous cultures for including ancestral communication.
Above picture: Late 70s with Eva Anderson’s Baltimore Dance Theatre. At this point I was only using my birth name “Elana.” I am in the CENTER wearing yellow with a yellow feather) Yeye Osun’s color long before I knew I was her daughter. (Yeye Osun is a powerful river Goddess in Yoruba tradition whom I initiated to in Lagos, Nigeria).
SIt firmly In your love light
After leaving Eva Anderson’s Baltimore Dance Theatre, I was then guided to move to Atlanta, Ga where, at different points in my dance career, I had the honor and soul pleasure to work for and perform with Barefoot Ballet, Extensions of Africa and Harry Bryce’s African American Dance Theatre, while also teaching children’s dance classes. At this point, teaching and performing dance was not enough to satisfy my spirit. I was invited by Queen Mother Mut Sain Metut Zulu (now an honorable ancestor), to attend the Ausar Auset Society new or full moon ritual in Atlanta, (founded by Shekem Ur Shekem, Ra Un Nefer Amen I), and at the time, the Atlanta branch was led by Queen Mother, Shekhet Menkht Aur Ta. This is where I experienced being mounted by my ancestor for the first time. It was not the first time I had been mounted by spirit, coming from the holiness church this was normal. It was a feeling I never felt before and unable to put perfect words to describe the essence of the insperience. I was being moved by one of my ancestors who knew things that I did not know. I was seeing in a different way, through my eyes but the blinders where lifted everything in the room looked different. This is when I discovered I had a healing ancestor that gave spiritual messages to people that I never met before and knew nothing about. She told me of their past and current issues afflicting their lives. Then she gave each instructions on what needed to be done so the affliction could be overcome. After this, my spiritual life began to change rapidly and continued to evolve.
After twelve years of studying, practicing, and invocation of the Ancient Kemetic Paut Neteru, it lead me even more, deeply into my Afrikan Roots. This deep opening led me to my Nana (spiritual teacher in the Akan Priesthood Tradition). In 1991, after my graduation into the Akan priesthood, myself and a small group traveled to Ghana, in 1994 along with my Godmother. Years later in early 2001, I found myself being spiritually forced to initiate to become a Sangoma, as I became spiritually ill. After a grueling and painful calling that lead me to my second teacher, my Gobela, who identified what was happening to me. I was told I must go South Africa to pick up my ancestors. Shortly, there after I found myself in the caves, in the mountains of South Africa with my spiritual Grandmother.
While I was going through my journey as a twaza, I did not know the spirit at the time but, Yeye Osun was mounting me (goddess of love, women's healing, romance, sex, creativity, joy, laughter & Aje leader of witches in Yoruba culture). Shortly after graduating as a Sangoma. I was resisting yet another calling and Yeye Oshun, herself came in spirit and told me I must come home, to Africa and fetch her. In Lagos, Nigeria was initiated and crowned Daughter of Osun. Years later while visiting Cuba, to take one of my students to be crowned Osun, Her Padrino, informed me that according to their tradition, my particular path to Osun, is the path where Yeye transfers herself into an Egun (an ancestral spirit) and works with the Ancestors.This knowledge gave me more clarity in seeing how the Abosom, Orisha, and Amadlozi, Nzuna, Iyami and the sacred spirits are all connected and work together to form a complete functional unit for me to be successful in my life and how I can assist help others to do the same in their lives. “Together We Heal!”
One God Many Nations/Nyame’s Ile Amadlozi Temple, Osun's Orgasmic Healing International and Ubunye Sangoma, LLC are gifts from my collective spirits. These portals, of ascension for spiritual healing, were granted to me, not only, to heal myself, however, to ultimately support others on their journey to spiritual healing and divine magnificence. I must acknowledge that is it is through the collaboration of the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine that this magnitude of knowing my oneness with creation. I AM the sacred healing energy of love light flowing through me from the Most High Creator, and so are you in this circle of healing lovelight language.
Professional / Educational/ Spiritual Accomplishments
PhD Conscious Center Living, University of Metaphysics, Sedona Arizona
B.A. M.S. Metaphysical Ministry, University of Metaphysics, Sedona, Arizona
B.S Health System Management, University of Baltimore
Massage Therapy Certification, Atlanta School of Massage Therapy
Kinesiology Certification, Atlanta School of Massage Therapy
Certified Kemetic Yoga Teacher, YogaSkills School of Kemetic Yoga Chicago, IL
Certified Reiki Master, Institute for Transmutational Healing, Lexington KY
Member of Traditional African Healer’s Coalition, Washington, DC
Akan Priesthood Larteh Ghana, West Africa
Sangoma Priestess, uKhahlamba/Malut/ Drakensburg Mountains, Eastern Cape, KwaZulu Natal, & Richard’s Bay, South Africa
Yoruba /Ifa Priesthood, Osogobo, Nigeria
Crazywise Documentary Film: African Traditional Healer: Guest Appearance
Contributing Author- Iyanifa Woman of Wisdom: Insights from the Priestesses of the Ifa Orisha Tradition, Their Stories and Plight for the Divine Feminine
Peabody Institute: Ballet, Modern, Jazz Tap Dance, Baltimore, MD
Towson State University: Musical Theatre /Performing Artist Baltimore, MD
Morgan State University: Musical Theatre Performing Artist, Baltimore, MD
Eva Anderson’s Baltimore Dance Theatre: Principal Dancer, Baltimore, MD
Barefoot Ballet, Atlanta, GA
Extensions of Africa, Atlanta, GA
Harry Bryce African American Dance Theatre, Atlanta, GA
Thank you for visiting. May your personal essence continue to reveal itself and may the adventure of who you are on your healing journey be your best teacher.